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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


1- Draw a circle, then cut off the lower quarter as Garfield's face is not a circle ... it's an oval shape with broad base.2- Set the mid lines of the circle as follows.
3- Draw two oval shapes on both sides of the face.... as the eyes.
4- Now draw his sleepy eyes... and the nose in the middle.
5- Starting from the middle of the nose draw the mouth like that... Noet: it ends close to the face.
6- His ears.
7- Now draw the out line of the face.... ( that's why we remove the lower quarter of the circle at first ).
8- Now draw his cheeks and chin.
9- Add some shadows and effects...
10- Remove the pencil lines.

Enjoy Drawing

1 comment:

michael wahid said...

so cute
i want {bugs bunny}

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