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Saturday, March 28, 2009


1- Draw an oval shape..... and devide it into two halves vertically and horizontally.

2- Draw the nose as an oval shape just below the middle of the oval shape.
3- draw the upper lip as a wave starting from the middle of the nose.
4- add the two big teeth.
5- Here is the place of the eyes.
6- Draw his smile on each side of the nose.
7- Draw the lower part of the mouth and the tangue.
8- Draw the head and the eyebrows.
9- the 2 oval shaped pupils.
10- The ears are extending down from the mouth... as his head is covering the rest of it.
11- Add the hat.
12- Use your ink pen to draw nice clean lines.


Amr Ibrahim said...

you should have dedicated this to me as I asked for it in my alst comment
:@ :@ :@

Mina said...

that's actually for you ya bashmohandes

Anonymous said...

gbvx wsguq Porn zeksqs w av g uvm

Anonymous said...

the goofy is awesome i found some sites how to draw goofy

Anonymous said...

u should make one for me and it should be a zebra.... .lol :)

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